Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Vigil's Keep

 In 9:31 of the Dragon Age, The Vigil's Keep, along with the rest of the Arling, was officially given to the Grey Wardens by the newly crown King Alistair Theirin the 1st of Ferelden. 

This event occurred following the end of the Fifth Blight. By doing so, King Alistair caused the Grey Warden Robert Cousland to effectively become the Arl of Amaranthine along with being the Commander of the Grey. Robert Cousland's primary mission as Warden Commander is to re-establish the Grey Wardens presence in Ferelden, using Vigil's Keep as the order's primary base of operation. With the aid of Seneschal Varel, sadly killed at the Siege of Vigil's Keep, and later Seneschal Garevel, Robert Cousland attempts to govern the Arling of Amaranthine with the same dedication to duty, honor and compassion, all tempered with reason and justice, as his father Teyrn Bryce Cousland governed Highever.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

  In War, Victory. In Peace, Vigilance. In Death, Sacrifice.